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Discover, Nurture, Achieve and Shine
We strive to create a nurturing environment that develops healthy, happy, confident children who are ready and open to learning.

Useful Forms

Below are some useful forms that you may need:

Quick Links:
Report an Absence Form | Medicine Administered in School – Consent Form | EV2 | Leave of Absence & Holiday Request Form | Dietary Requirements | Photo Consent Form | Home School Agreement | Year 6 Mobile Consent Form | Year 6 Walk Home Independently Consent Form

Report an Absence Form

If you need to contact us as your child is unwell and is unable to attend school today due to please complete the form below. You will need to notify us by 9.15, each day your child is absent from school.

Please do not use this link if you are requesting unauthorised absence (eg: holiday during term time).

Click here to complete the Report an Absence Form (online form)

Medicine Administered in School – Consent Form

If your child needs medicine administered in school, the medical consent form needs to be completed prior to medicine being bought to school.

Medicines must be delivered by a parent/carer to the School Office. Medicines must be left in a transparent sealable bag labelled with the child’s name, class and dosage, please ensure medicine is in it’s original bottle/box with the prescribing label attached.

All medicines are kept securely in the classroom medical boxes.

Please notify the school of any changes in writing via

Click here to complete the Medical Form (online form)


If you wish your child to join in local off-site (non residential) school activities and trips throughout the year, please complete the following form.

Click here to complete EV2 (online form)

Leave of Absence & Holiday Request Form

There is clear guidance from the Department for Education to parents regarding leave of absence or holidays in school time. Parents do not have an automatic right to take their children out of school during term-time. All pupils have 13 weeks holiday per year and parents should organise their holidays during this period.

No period of leave in term time will be granted except in exceptional circumstances (proof will need to be provided). Any absence which has not been granted will be recorded as unauthorised absence and reported to the Local Education Authority who may take legal action. No request for leave will be authorised for Year Two or Year Six pupils during SATs week.

All requests must be made at least two weeks in advance and will be considered on its individual merits.

The Headteacher will decide whether or not to grant permission and will respond within seven days.

Click here to complete the Leave of Absence & Holiday Request Form (online form)

Dietary Requirements

Aspens Catering Services are committed to provide meals for children needing specials diets for medical and cultural requirements, where possible. If your child has a special diet or allergy intolerance, please complete the Special Diets Form and email it to the School Office on:

Photo Consent Form

Occasionally we may take photographs of the children at school.  We use these images as part of our school displays and sometimes in other printed publications like the school newspaper.  We will also use some on our school website.

To comply with data protection laws we need parents’ permission before we can photograph or make any recording of their children.

All parents are required to have completed a consent form and completed forms are kept centrally in the school office for reference.

If a parent wishes to change their level of consent they should complete a new form to inform the school of the change.

Please login to your Arbor Parent Portal to administer your media permissions.

Home School Agreement

At Nine Mile Ride Primary School we continue to build a strong partnership between staff, parents and carers as we know this is important in helping children to achieve and to enjoy learning. We are determined to create an inclusive culture of learning where all children will be challenged in their thinking, to achieve to the best of their abilities and strive to become lifelong learners.

This can be done most effectively when all staff, parents and children understand their responsibilities and work together towards the same goals, as detailed in our Home School Agreement.

Click here to complete Home School Agreement (online form)

Year 6 Mobile Consent Form

Please be aware that mobile phones are not permitted in school and the school cannot be held responsible for the phones during school hours.

However, if you think it is essential for your child to carry a phone e.g. if they walk home from school by themselves, and you feel they are responsible enough to take care of the phone, I would like you to sign and return the disclaimer below.

Click here to complete the Year 6 Mobile Consent Form

If a child brings a mobile phone to school we expect the phone to be switched off between 8.30am and 3.10pm. Any phone found to be on during these times or misused at school will be confiscated.

Year 6 Walking Home Independently Consent Form

Permission can be given for Year 6 pupils to walk home independently at the end of the school day. All other pupils must be collected by a designated adult.

Please note. This permission will not apply in the case of exceptional circumstances (eg. an emergency closure) where a parent/carer will need to make arrangements for the child(ren) to be collected.

Click here to complete the Year 6 Walking Home Independently Consent Form