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We believe in
Learning for Life
We strive to create a nurturing environment that develops healthy, happy, confident children who are ready and open to learning.

Home Learning

Quick Links:
The Benefits l Practical Ways to Help

Learning tasks are set through our online learning platform Google Classroom. Each Friday a new assignment is uploaded within the Homework section on the classwork page. Within this assignment, details of activities set are, with appropriate links. Activities should be completed by the Friday of the following week, in order for class teachers to follow-up and support any children as necessary.

Reading is the priority in home learning. We recommend children read five times per week and will provide pupils with an appropriate reading book for their reading ability. For more advice on reading at home with children, please click this link. Your child will also be provided with a reading record for recording home reading.

Accelerated Reader

At NMR we use the online learning portal Accelerated Reader (AR) to maintain and manage pupils independent reading practice and comprehension through mini quizzes. Pupils select and read books within their personal band (ZPD), and once they finish each book, they can log onto Accelerated Reader to take the quiz. All of their progress will then be logged on AR. You can access AR here Accelerated Reader and pupils login details and passwords are available on your Arbor Parent Portal. Further information about Accelerated Reader can be found here AR Parent Guide.

Maths and spelling activities are provided through EdShed, MyMaths and Time Tables Rock Stars, which all children from year 1 upwards have access to. Login details for your child can be found in your Arbor Parent Portal under the ‘Report Cards’ section.

Teachers may also set additional homework on an ad hoc basis, for example they may be asked to bring in a book or complete a creative task.

If you do not have access to a suitable device to enable children to complete the online activities, please speak to your child’s class teacher as an alternative may be offered.

By helping your child with home learning you not only improve his or her chances of achievement in school and in life, but you can help to develop your child’s confidence, self-discipline and sense of responsibility.

The Benefits

Parents who take an interest in their children’s home learning have a better knowledge of their education. Additionally, children who are able to complete assignments successfully are likely to develop a good working attitude.

At Nine Mile Ride Primary School our aim is for pupils to become independent and take individual responsibility for learning.

The home learning set will:

  • extend, support and broaden the learning experience through reinforcement, revision, guidance and direction.
  • develop transferable skills and a long term strategy for future learning.
  • encourage parents, pupils and the school to work in partnership to promote the learning experience as an enjoyable one.
  • improve the quality, variety and breadth of the learning experience by networking with information providers beyond the school (e.g. libraries and the internet).
  • ensure a consistency of approach to home and lifelong learning throughout the school.
  • endeavour to match the home learning needs of individual pupils.
  • take into account the needs and abilities of individual pupils.
  • ensure parents/carers have a clear understanding about expectations from themselves and the pupil.

Practical Ways to Help

Provide a quiet environment
Provide a quiet, well lit study area. Avoid distractions such as the television and loud music.

Encourage other family members to be quiet, especially youngsters.

Have a Regular Home Learning Routine
Obviously household routines differ. Late at night is rarely a good time to study, as children are tired. You may need to be flexible if your child attends outside activities.

Try to get a balance, but home learning is a priority. If it is being rushed then consider reducing after school commitments or television viewing. Having a routine helps to avoid excuses such as “I’ll do it after this programme” or “I forgot.”

It is important that a child learns to take responsibility rather than having to rely on reminders. Also do not expect your child to work on an empty stomach. No-one works well when they are hungry.

Praise Effort and Achievement
IIt is vital to praise a child for his or her efforts and achievements. Positive comments are more effective than critical ones. A child can become disaffected if continually reminded of shortcomings.

Building self-esteem is very important if a child is to try with school work.

Show an Interest
Make time to talk about school in daily conversations. Take your child to the library if he or she needs to access reference materials such as books. Librarians can also guide your child where to look for information.

You can give your child a good start if you read with your child and discuss current reading books, at least up to the age of eleven.

Monitor Home Learning 
Obviously how closely children need to be monitored is dependent on several factors:

  • the age of the child
  • how able your child is academically
  • how independently your child is able to work

It is a good idea to check home learning over. It is important to remember that the home learning is not yours, but your child’s. If you do the activities and tasks you are not helping him or her to become an independent learner.

Set a Good Example
Children’s attitudes to home learning are mainly influenced by their parents’ guidance
and examples.

They are more likely to want to study if they see you reading and writing.

Days out and educational visits can also support learning.