Lunch Menus
Lunches are ordered on the day by children in class. Please add a lunch balance to your Arbor account, excluding those having Universal Infant Free School Meals in KS1 and those receiving Free School Meals.
We ask parents that pay for their children’s lunches to regularly check the parent portal and keep your account topped up. If you do not have enough credit on your account, your child will not be able to order lunch and you will be asked to provide a packed lunch, so please check regularly.
The new lunch menus are below, they will be on a three weekly rota and the first week back will be week 1 and so on until the end of term. If we choose to do a different food choice for a special reason (Christmas lunch) we will advise you accordingly.
All of the menus choices have an allergy/intolerance variation and this will be handled by the kitchen staff as they will be notified of the children this affects.
Dietary Requirements
Aspens Catering Services are committed to provide meals for children needing specials diets for medical and cultural requirements, where possible. If your child has a special diet or allergy intolerance, please complete the Special Diets Form and email it to the School Office on: