School Day
Years 2-6 the main double green gates open at 8.15am, pupils wait with parents/carers until school opens at 8.30am and registration is taken in class at 8.45am
From September 2024 – the Foundation Stage and Year 1 gate opens at 8:30am, doors to Year 1 open at 8.30am and close at 8.45am, registration is at 8:50am. Doors to Foundation Stage open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am.
A member of staff will be on the gate so that there is a point of contact for parents each morning.
School Absences
If your child is unwell and is unable to attend school please contact us before 9.15am.
Should your child be absent for more than one day, you will need to report their absence daily.
Absences can be reported by completing the Report an Absence Form on the website, leaving a message on the absence line ( 0118 973 3118 – option 1) or by calling, or emailing the School Office on
From September 2024 – Foundation Stage and Year 1 pupils finish at 3pm and are dismissed through the foundation stage gate.
Parents with children in Years 2-6 will enter via the double green gates and wait on the top playground for children to be dismissed.
- Years 2,3 and 4 will be dismissed at 3pm from the main playground.
- Years 5 and 6 will be dismissed at 3:10pm from the main playground.
A member of staff will be on the gate, so that there is a point of contact for parents every afternoon.
Collection Changes
If you have arranged for an adult, other than yourselves or a pre-authorised childminder, to be collecting your child at the end of the school day, please let the school office know via email in the morning.
We ask for your patience when staff hold a child back to check a collection change, we have your child’s best interest at heart and are following our child safeguarding policies.
Hours per Week
The total time per week is 32.5 hours for Years 5/6
The total time per week is 31.6 hours for Years 2/3/4
The total time per week is 30.8 hours for Foundation Stage and Year 1
After school club collection
If you are collecting your child from an after school sports club, please wait outside the school by the green pedestrian gate. Your child will then be signed out and released to you by the club instructor.
If you are a Beehive parent collecting a child from Beehive, please support us in safeguarding your children by not letting others onto the school site.