Admissions to Nine Mile Ride Primary School
Quick Links:
Admission Arrangements | Admissions for Foundation Stage | In-year Admissions | Appeals
Our friendly helpful admissions team understand how important securing the right school place is for your child. We will work with you to make the process as smooth as possible and help with your queries. If you have any queries about admissions, please send an email with ‘Nine Mile Ride’ in the subject title to
From 1st February 2018 Nine Mile Ride Primary School became an academy school within a Multi Academy Trust (The Circle Trust). The Trustees of the Circle Trust are the Admissions Authority for all of the schools in the trust.
Admissions for Foundation Stage
Admissions for Foundation Stage entry for 2025/26 must be made to your home local authority.
If you are considering applying for Foundation September 2025 intake at Nine Mile Ride Primary School, then the school must be named as a preference on your application to your home local authority.
Local Authorities may differ in dates in which you can apply from however, the National Closing Date for applications to be received is 15 January 2025. Please contact your home local authority for further information regarding the admissions process.
Before you apply
Please ensure you have read and understood our admission arrangements. These arrangements confirm how applications will be processed by the admission authority, and include our oversubscription criteria, which explains how places will be allocated should the school receive more applications than there are available places.
Outcomes will be provided by your home local authority on National Offer Day: 16 April 2025.
- Admission arrangements for intake 2025/26 (pdf)
- Wokingham Local Authority school admissions information
- Designated Area Map
- If your application is for a child who has a medical or social need, please complete this additional form – click here to download form
If you are offered a school place;
If a school place has been offered, you will need to confirm your acceptance of this offer by the deadline provided within your outcome letter from your home local authority.
Once your acceptance has been received and the school has been informed of all those allocated for September 2025 you will be contacted directly by the school regarding transition dates and enrolment.
If you are not offered a school place;
If we have not been able to offer your child a place, this is because there were more applications for the school than there were available places and not all requests for places could be met. Places are allocated in line with the admissions criteria published and your application was not ranked high enough to obtain a place.
For late applicants: If we have not been able to offer your child a place, this is because the school has reached its admissions number (the maximum number of children that can be admitted to the year group for September 2025) from the initial round of admissions
The Circle Trust can provide you with further information regarding waiting lists and details on how to exercise your right to appeal. You can also find this information within our reason for refusal document provided below;
In-year Admissions
To apply for a place for all year groups, including Foundation outside of the normal admissions round, applications should be made directly to The Circle Trust.
Before you apply
Please ensure you have read and understood our admission arrangements. These arrangements confirm how applications will be processed by the admission authority, and include our oversubscription criteria, which explains how places will be allocated should the school receive more applications than there are available places.
Nine Mile Ride’s Admissions arrangements are consulted on by The Circle Trust and apply to all intake years.
If you would like more information, please send an email with ‘Nine Mile Ride’ in the subject title to
How to Apply
To make an in-year application, please complete the form below and return to The Circle Trust, with the requested accompanying documentation, by emailing or the postal address given on the form.
If your application is for a child who has a medical or social need, please complete this additional form – click here to download form
Your application will be considered by The Circle Trust and you will be informed in writing of the outcome.
If you are offered a school place;
If a school place has been offered, you will need to confirm your acceptance of this offer.
Once your acceptance has been received, you will be contacted directly by the school regarding transition dates and enrolment.
If you are not offered a school place;
If we have been unable to offer your child a school place, then this is due to the relevant cohort being full. By this we mean the school has reached its published admission number for the year group. Your outcome letter will provide details regarding the school’s reason for refusal, waiting lists and how to exercise your right to appeal.
Admission Arrangements
The admissions arrangements for all mainstream academies and free schools must comply with the School admissions code and the School admission appeals code. Nine Mile Ride’s Admissions arrangements are consulted on by The Circle Trust.
If you would like more information, please send an email with ‘Nine Mile Ride’ in the subject title to
Admission Arrangements
Breakdown of Allocated Places for Foundation Stage
If you have received a refusal of a school place and wish to lodge an appeal, please click on the link for further information.
(Please note: The Circle Trust uses Bracknell Democratic Services for any school appeals)